Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Blogging Is Better Than FaceBook

I'm not going to tell you my age. That's none of your business. However, I can say that I'm old enough to have watched and experienced as well as been involved with the explosive growth of the Internet as an adult since the late 90's. The peak I think was when blogging was popular. The mid to late 2000's was really the sweet spot of blogging. Back then everybody's blog was their own independent, self-managed version of FaceBook.

But here we are today in 2020, dealing with COVID and pretty much the norm is FaceBook.. to many people FaceBook is the Internet in their eyes. Is just funny to me how people have regressed. Back when the Internet was starting to become popular with 14.4k, then 28.k, and then finally 56k dial-up connections there was a horrible but kinda cool service called AOL. They'd mail you a free 30 day trial install disc or you'd find them on display at checkout in grocery stores.

Point is this: AOL flooded the market with these free discs and grew very large. When people used the Internet they did so within AOL itself. AOL was in today's term called an App. It was designed to keep people inside and from leaving into the "outside world" which was called cyberspace or The Internet. Many people didn't understand the concept of having a web browser and then literally being able to type a web address into the address or search bar.

And that leads us to today. We're back at square-one. But instead of AOL being the service that traps you and keeps you housed within their network its another service called FaceBook. This is MY BLOG. Granted I need to obey Google's rules in order for me to have space here. But this entire blog is in my control of the web design, the categories, which content I decide to feature or advertise, etc.

Eventually, if I prove to myself that I'll keep this blog updated often I will reward myself with purchasing a domain name and most likely serve the website from a web server that I maintain at home. I did this successfully for many years when blogging and web publishing was popular. So I've been thinking about giving it another shot.

Anyway, the reason why blogging is better than FaceBook is because you're but in the driver seat with everything. Even more so if you get your own domain name and web server. 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Funny COVID-19 Joke

Walking down the street I intersected somebody. They said hello to me.

I said back, "Wow! Hello. I see you on TV all the time!"

The man surprised with my response says, "What are you talking about, what channels?"

I told him, "All of them except Animal Planet. That's the only channel that doesn't show humans! And today I intersected one! How amazing!!"


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Friday, April 10, 2020

How To Increase Traffic To Your Blog by Improving Quality of The Content Already Published

If you're a blogger like me, then you're probably always looking for ways to get more traffic, more readers and more interactions on your blog. There's countless sites that offer SEO tips and endless articles and information about various things you can do to help your blog and your content appear in search engines when people search for certain keywords and phrases.

Most blogger think that they need to create tons of posts everyday to get their blog popular and seen in search engines. And while posting content frequently to your blog is indeed very important. One thing that most blogger over look is going back and improving the existing content that has already been published and indexed by search engines.

Taking time to go back and edit and add to existing content already published is an excellent idea because you're adding to quality content that's already indexed. And once the page is re-crawled and re-indexed with additional quality content; only good things can come from that.

Also sending out a notification (i.e. email, social networking site, etc.) to your followers and readers about the updated content on a page is helpful too because that generates a nice burst of activity and likely some additional comments too. This activity shows search engines that your content is fresh, updated and useful to people.

NOTE: If You Don't Have Followers or Readers Ask Your Friends To Visit - Incoming hits to your blog, pages, and posts are all tracked by search engines. Just having one person visit and read your posts can significantly impact and improve the positioning your content ranks in search results.

Even sending a simple email to a friend asking them to visit a blog post you recently edited can have a huge impact. And it's simple to do, doesn't take any time and most importantly assures you the highest call to action will occur. Here's an example:

TO: John Smith
FROM: FlyKiller
Subject: Blog Post I Updated Recently And Want You To Read
BODY: Hi John, It's your buddy FlyKiller. Last week was a lot of fun at the pool. I hope we can all get together again soon. I have a blog post I published 4 months ago that I recently updated. You may remember reading it before. It's the post I wrote about that cattle ranch I discovered in Texas. Well, as it turns out that ranch was actually haunted! And to prove it I've added pictures to the post. Come check it out! Here's the link: (Insert the direct link here)
Your Buddy,

So that's my little piece of blogging and SEO advice for today for anybody interested in improving their blog and increasing organic search engine traffic to it. If you have some blogging and SEO tips that you would like to share; feel free to leave a comment below and share your tips with everybody who reads this article.

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Do People Really Go Crazy Being Alone?

With COVID-19 in The Air (No Pun Intended) Can Self-Isolation Make You Crazy?

I've been wondering about that? Can living a life in complete solitude cause a person to become crazy? I know that people who are live in solitary confinement in prison go crazy. That's statistically been proven already. But the question is can the same thing happen to people who live the same way but as a free person? Define free? In prison you're forced to stay inside a cell. With COVID-19 we're forced to stay in our home. How are things much different between these two examples? 

The answer is they are not much different at all! Basically the long-story short, is your home has now become a luxury solitary confinement prison cell. Your cell just really happens to be a very Deluxe Edition. And either you have a cell mate or mates, or you happen to live in solitary confinement. See where I'm going with this? 

So what happens to the people, such as myself, who falls into the I'm living in this deluxe jail cell alone? I've got a nice view and I even have two balconies. I'm allowed out of my cell to go grocery shopping and shopping for other essential items; but I'm instructed to quickly come back to my cell. And while I'm out of my cell, I can't touch people, and if I choose to talk to someone I must stand six feet away from them otherwise I could get sick from them. :P

Crazy situation right? You could easily think to yourself, "Hey the guy who wrote this post must be crazy!" But I'm not crazy. During the COVID-19 outbreak I've been doing a lot of things and keeping myself busy around the house. And example of keeping busy is writing this post. It's taken me so far about 30 minutes to think about what I wanted to write about, compose it and publish it. And after it's published I'll probably sit here for another 10 minutes re-reading what I wrote and then I'll likely spend another 5 minutes making some edits. 

See how quickly time can pass when you keep your mind occupied. So yes... I think it's very possible for somebody to become crazy if they are isolated even in the best environments such as living in a nice home. But it all depends on your attitude and building a routine and keeping yourself busy. Right now I work six days a week. So that helps with passing the time. I also work from home. During my 1 day off per week, those are the days I find a little challenging. So I do things to allow the time to pass such as writing posts on my blog. 

Are you alone during the COVID-19 outbreak? If so, you can share the things you have been doing towards continuing to live a wonderful and fun life. Post a comment using the form below to share your tips and ideas. 

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How To Season A Cast Iron Skillet

You might be wondering what the best way is to season a cast iron skillet? I'm sure by now you have already been to many different websites that provide these crazy and lengthly steps and processes with properly seasoning a cast iron pan. This isn't rocket-science people! You don't need a college degree to do this!

Here is a simple and quick way to season a brand new cast iron skillet. Stop wasting hours of your time researching this and spend more time cooking with the new pan you just purchased! 

  • Step 1: get bacon
  • *Step 2: get the pan hot AF
  • Step 3: cook bacon / flipping every 2 min for 8mins
  • Step 4: remove pan from heat
  • Step 5: eat bacon
  • Step 6: scrape the crap out of pan with metal spatula
  • Step 7: spray crap out of pan with hot water
  • Step 8: Pan is still hot and dries quick / no rust
Next time you can cook anything you want. :) 

* hot AF settings vary. Burner on my stove goes from L, 1 thru 9, H. 5 is plenty hot AF.

You can send me a comment and thank me below. Also if you have simple tips you would like to share you can also use the comment form below. 

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